Lucchio - English Version

Pubblicato il da Simona


What to see: Lucchio (670 meters above sea level) is a country setting that has kept intact the original medieval structure. It is an agglomeration "clinging" to the rock, formed by tall, narrow houses very close to each other, surmounted by an ancient fortress that, centuries ago, was a strategic point for the road communication bottom.
It is surrounded by mountains whose vegetation consists mainly of chestnut trees. The birth of the village can be traced back to year 1000, and its history and its people, have always been linked to the fortress.
Lucchio is one of the most scenic hidden treasure of Tuscany. The cliff, the stone of the medieval village and that of the fortress fused together generate a realistic Medieval image.


The village is still today cut by narrow alleys and maintain its original architecture.
The remains of the castle dominate the settlement. The fortification, dating back to the 11th century, developed during the feudal age on one of the most strategic positions of the whole valley.
From here is possible to dominate the main road of communication between Pistoia and the Garfagnana that follow the course of the river Lima.
The location of Lucchio Castle is one of most dramatic amongst all the Tuscan medieval strongholds. Its walls are digged in the rock, the stone buildings seem like an extension of the mountain.

Bell tower
Bell tower
The origin of the Castle is uncertain: perhaps, as the near village of Limano, it goes back to the age of the Countess Matilde di Canossa, or as it would indicate the name of some other villages of the valley [like 'Vico Pancellorum' or 'Panulegium', today Palleggio] we must search its origin in the Roman era, or simply was a fortification of a feudal families of the zone like the Suffredinghi or the Lupari or more, like other nearby places, was a Longbeard stronghold...

The only certainty is that in the 14th century Lucca turned Lucchio into its main stronghold to control the borders towards Pistoia. When the Florentines took control of part of the area, the castle lost some of its strategic importance and was abandoned.
Some of the stones of the fortification were used to build the houses of the poor village born at its feet.
The ruins are visible for free, the breathtaking landscape that can be viewed from here worth the efforts made to reach the top of the rocks!
From the castle the tourist can enjoy a marvellous view of the surrounding mountains: Penna di Lucchio Memoriante, in front il Balzo Nero.
Other medieval monument to see are the church of S Pietro and the Ancient Door of The village.
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